Have you ever heard of a spider that can kill you in seconds with its venomous sting? From most poisonous snakes to scary spiders, this list contains world’s most poisonous and toxic animals that have the power to kill you in seconds. Have a look at these dangerous animals and be safe!
1. The Poison Dart Frog

Mainly found in Central and South America, this beautiful looking frog species is highly poisonous. Apart from its secretions, the skin of this frog is also toxic.
2. The Comodo Dragon
It is the largest lizard in the world. The Comodo Dragon can weigh up to 250 pounds and can be as long as 10 feet. It mainly originates in Comodo in Indonesia.
3. The Cone Snail
It secrets a very harmful toxin named as the Conotoxin. When injected into the human body, it has no cure except for total blood transfusion.
4. Puffer Fish
This fish species is considered as the most poisonous vertebrates in the world. The poison secreted by it can cause muscle paralysis and numbness.
5. Phoneutria
The Guinness World of Records classifies this spider, commonly known as the Brazilian Wandering Spider as the most toxic spider in the world.
6. Hooded Pitohui
It is one of the rare toxic birds in the world. Anyone who touches the skin of this bird is likely to get numb or paralyzed.
7. Inland Taipan
It is the most venomous snake species in the world. Only 0.03 milligrams per kilogram of its poison is enough to kill 100 human beings.
8. Surgeonfish
They measure about 18-24 cms in length. They occasionally ingest toxins while feeding on algae. If a contaminated fish is consumed by humans, it can cause serious neurological disorders which can be fatal.
9. Asian Forest Scorpion
This 5-inch long scorpion’s sting can cause swelling and extreme pain to its preys.
10. Lonomia Obliqua
His species of moth is known for its larval form. The base of its tiny spies contains toxins which are produced when they are in the larval caterpillar stage. It is said to be much more toxic than the most dangerous snakes in the world.
This information gave you goosebumps? Didn’t it? There are so many amazing facts about animals which you not be aware of, read the story.