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These Signs Will Tell You That He Desires To Be Your Boyfriend

12 Signsvia



Whether someone loves you or doesn’t, it is hard to tell by just looking. You may have to give sometime to find it out by the ways he behaves. If you still do not know how to find if he wants to be your boyfriend, this article is all what you need. Today we have brought you 12 signs that will tell if he wants to be your Boyfriend or not.

1. He Always Keep You Protected


It is the nature of the man, he protects whoever pleases him. Similarly, he keeps his loved ones in the protection zone.

2. He Manages Time For You


Most of the Men live hectic life. Moreover, they do not have time for you if they are busy in work. However, he is still managing time for you; it means he is interested in you.

3. He Does The Things That Others Do Not


If it is about you, he does the stuff what the other guys won’t do. To illustrate he will always look forward for the opportunities to help you. 

4. Complements


Most of the boys do not feel shy to toss complements to the girl for whom they feel something. Also, look in his eyes when he is complementing you.

5. He Prefer To Spend Time With You Alone


Although he likes the group hangout but he always want to spend some quality time with you alone.

6. He Remembers Everything You Told Him


If he remembers everything whatever you told him about you, you got your man lady. Undoubtedly, he wants to be your boyfriend

7. He Jealous Of You Ex-Boyfriends


Well, it is certain that he would get jealous if you talk about your ex-boyfriends. Perhaps he thinks that your ex-boyfriends were lucky.

8. You Are His Favourite Subject


If you are the subject of interest for someone, that someone will always be curious to know more and more about you.

9. His Body Language


The best way to know about him is his body language. If he remains relaxed while talking to you it means you are not a thing of excitement for him. If you see some weird changes in his body language, definitely, he feels something for you. You can observe closely to know if the feeling is negative or positive.

10. He Listens To You Curiously


He finds your voice musical for his ears and he never gets bore listening to you. Definitely, he is into you.

11. He Finds Opportunities To Touch You


You can feel it when he touches you unintentionally and when he touches you on purpose. Moreover, you can notice if he is finding the opportunities to touch you.

12. He Treats You Like A Queen


The term “Queen” is misunderstood by most of the girls. Here we don’t mean to say that he will treat you in a royal way but he will treat you a better way than he treats himself. If he does so, it is clear that he loves you more than he loves himself.

If you spot these signs, no doubt, he wants to be your boyfriend. Agree? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Also read,Amazing things happen when you find your soulmate.


Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
A literature student, horror movies lover, laconic speaker, a Muay Thai practitioner, full-time hustler and part-time writer and poet.