Media was not developed like this today in 90s. Ads are very limited. And those ads are always connected to the time of our lives that we cherish the most.
1. The Air India Maharajah Known For His Oversized Moustache

Created by commercial director SK ‘Bobby’ Kooka and Umesh Rao, this Maharajah is symbolized for graciousness and for his oversized moustache. His striped turban is one of the most recognized mascots across the globe.
2. The Amul Girl – Advertising Icon
The one creation from Sylvester da Cunha Advertising agency to promote Amul rocks even today. The Amul girl became an advertising icon. She is dressed in a polka-dotted frock with blue hair and a half pony tied up.
3. Boomer – Best Selling Chewing Gum
I don’t think that there is a person who doesn’t like this chewing gum especially if he is from 90s. It is one of the favourite things for 90’s kids. This brand became the best selling chewing gum in the country.
4. Pillsbury Doughboy – Cute! Isn’t he?
You don’t believe that we tried so much to get this doll named Poppin’ Fresh. This cheerful mascot fascinated 90s kids so much that it could sing, dance and play several musical instruments.
5. The Duracell Bunny – The Pinky Rabbit
The Duracell Bunny is a pink rabbit symbolized Duracell batteries which lasts longer compared to any other.
6. Chocos Bear – Chocolate-Flavoured Cereal
Well, this brown bear is in love with his chocolate-flavoured cereal and we are in love with it.
7. 7 Up’s Fido Dido
90s kids used to draw this cartoon in leisure time during school days. It was created by Joanna Ferrone and Sue Rose for the advertisement of 7 UP worldwide.
8. The Nirma Girl – The Popular Ad Song
Do you remember washing powder nirma ad song? Most of the 90s kids used to sing this ad song just to tease for fun.
Today generation kids miss so much of fun because of smart phones and these kids know only one game that is cricket. But 90s kids enjoyed really a lot that they gathered enough sweet memories from childhood. We used to have 1 special hour everyday for play games every day. And each day one new game that involves both mental and physical exercise.
Isn’t it so? Did we miss any other advertisement that needs to be included in the above list? Share us in the comments. Wanna more? These extremely creative advertisements are jaw dropping.