
11 Ruthless Women From History You Will Not Dare To Mess

Ruthless Women


Women are the symbol of beauty, motherhood, devotion, and love. Throughout the history, we have witnessed some great women who performed such tasks that no one could ever imagine. Some were great mother others great wife or many of them proved themselves as the very epitome of peace and affection.

At the same time, we have seen plenty of them who were not that kind-hearted and affectionate which were expected of women instead they proved to be the worst face of women-kind their deeds were full of brutality and they were merciless.

But some women showed character beyond the soft and brutality. They actually used their aggression and ruthless approach to safeguard the humans and they were equally ferocious for their enemies. Their bravery and dangerousness will make u think thousand times before messing with them.


11 Ruthless Women From History

1. Parisa Tabriz

Ruthless Women

Parisa Tabriz is the most relevant example among contemporary women. She works at Google as a “white hate”  hacker and she detects security issues to eliminate any danger to data-stealing. Her job designation is Security Princes, what exactly she is, a Ruthless Princes. 


2. The Trung Sisters

Ruthless Women

The Trung sisters (Trung Trac and Trung Nhi) are known for their bravery in first Vietnam independence movement. They not just fought with the Han dynasty of China but established an autonomous state for quite some time.


3. Li Xu

Ruthless Women

A great example of women bravery Li Xu made a whole army of civilians to avenge her father’s death. She led this army herself to fight against the rebels in  Ningzhou province of China. She finally  defeated them after 7 years and now a city named after her as the honor.


4. Tamar Of Georgia

Ruthless Women

Queen of Kings and Queens, Glory of the World, Kingdom and Faith, Champion of the Messiah, may God Increase her victories.” – This is the inscription on the 13th century Georgian Coins. She became the ruler after the death of her father and she ruled it not as a queen but a king and destroyed any patriarchic opinion affecting her ruler-ship. Many conspiracies were designed to abduct her from the throne but she turned out a nightmare for conspirators.


5. Tomoe Gozen

Ruthless Women

Tomoe Gozen was a 12th-century Samurai warrior who earned great respect for her unparalleled horse riding and archery skills. Several times she led the army as front liners because of her unmatched skills.


6. Elizabeth “Lady Bare Knuckles” Stokes

Ruthless Women

She set a great example for lady boxers. Became a boxer after the famous win against Hannah High field,22 minutes long fight.


7. Louise Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun

Ruthless Women

Le Brun, a prominent French painter came into public eyes after painting a self-portrait in which her teeth were visible. she kept on painting even during the French revolution though she flees to Russia.


8. Juana Galan

Ruthless Women

Juana Galan became the great symbol of courage and bravery. When Napoleon was on the rampage and attacked Spain Juana Galan showed immense courage instead of watching everything happen she gathered a women army and fought hand to hand with French army with iron cookware club batons and what not. Eventually, it forced Napoleon army to withdraw from La Mancha region.


9. Lydia Darragh

Ruthless Women

Lydia played a great role in the American revolution. When British decided to stay in her house she got a great chance to keep an eye on the information and she secretly passed it to American army which saved so many American soldier’s life and from the invasion. One of the finest secret agents America got.


10. The Night Witches

Ruthless Women

These Russian fighter Pilots Had carried out so many dangerous bombing operations during the war against Germans. What is fascinating that they took heavy risks while flying these air crafts because many of the fighter jets had chances to stop in midair.


11. Josephine Baker

Ruthless Women

Josephine Baker was the famous Fashionista who cleverly used her name and transferred all the secret information to French officials. No one from Nazi regime came to know about this secret server.

So these women listed above proved that women can be very nasty in their and approach to destroy their enemies. They have done the great service to their kingdom and people and that’s why everyone names them with honor even now.

Irrespective of that, world is very beautiful and so are the women, check out the list of most beautiful women.
