
Lesser Known Facts About Amritsar Golden Temple Will Astonish You


The Golden Temple in Amritsar, also known as Harmandir Sahib or Darbar Sahib, is situated in Amritsar which is located in the Punjab state of Northern India. Considered to be one of the most revered Sikh gurudwaras in the world, the name Harmandir Sahib literally translates to ‘ Temple of God’ and is famous for its gilded dome. The Golden Temple is a beauty to behold, and this is even truer during the festival of Diwali because then the gurudwara is adorned with a multitude of lights.

So, here are some facts about this holy site that will blow your mind:


1. The Lake Within The Gurudwara Is Rumored To Have Healing Powers

The Lake Within golden temple

Both the exterior and interior of the Gurudwara is veneered with white marble and decorated with genuine gilded leaf strands in the center of the lake. The river Ravi meanders through the site, feeding the lake of the Gurudwara. Pilgrims flock in thousands to take a dip in the lake and to benefit from its rumored healing powers.


2. The Gurudwara Has Four Entrances

golden temple has four Entrances

The Gurudwara has entrances from each side of the temple. This is to symbolize that anybody from any religion, caste, creed, and color are welcome into this temple complex.


3. Langar Offers Free Meals

golden temple Langar Offers Free Meals

The langar provides free meals to anyone who visits the temple. Every 15 mins a new group of diners enter the langar to have a meal. Also, the meal preparation and cleaning of utensils are carried out by pilgrims who volunteer to do so.


4. The Harmandir Sahib Was Gifted By Mughals

Harmandir Sahib Was Gifted By Mughals

The Mughal emperor gifted the site to Bibi Bhani, the daughter of the Third Guru Amar Das. It was a wedding gift when Bibi Bhani married Jetha. Hence, Jetha then became the fourth guru Raam Das.


5. The 5th Guru Helped The Construction Of The Lake And Stairways

The 5th Guru Helped The Construction Of The Lake And Stairways

Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the son of Guru Raam Das became the Fifth Guru in 1581. He helped in completing the construction of Lake and the stairways on every side which was to be paved with bricks.