
MP Police Makes Cows’ Horns Glow At Night- Find Out More!



Madhya Pradesh traffic police have come up with new idea to prevent road accidents. They found that many of the road accidents happen during the night. The reason behind the accident is darkness, due to which people who are driving could not see cows crossing the roads and thus leading to death of cows or people.

To prevent the accidents from happening, they have tied orange radium bands across the horns of 300 cows.

These orange radium bands glow during darkness across the horns of cows and thus people driving could see them crossing the roads, hence saving lives of people and innocent cows.



The Madhya Pradesh police have also asked the cattle owners to tie bands across their cow horns in order to prevent harm caused to them due to darkness.

The result has been successful and numbers of road accidents have decreased. The officers are now planning to buy permanent radium paint to cover cows’ horns, as radium bands stay only for few weeks.


This shows Madhya Pradesh Police smartness and responsibility towards the betterment of our nation.350079758-Cow_6Ref:



Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.

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