Health & Fitness

30 Day Plank Challenge Can Be Your Perfect Fitness Plan

Plank Challenge

Anything east lures us the most. So, why wouldn’t a quick fitness plan will not tempt you to open and read that write up? But, not everything we read is as effective as they seem. But, below we have one effective 30-day-plank challenge yielding unbelievable health benefits.

The challenge asks you to keep in the same posture for a certain time period. Start from 20 seconds on the very first day.

Journalist Leah Wynalek grabbed the challenge with both the hands.

30 Days Plank Challenge

She confessed to her experience like:

“I was overconfident. When I did them right, my core quaked, and I’d look desperately at the timer on my phone as it counted down to zero.”

She further added, “My abs strengthened. I didn’t quite realize it until the final week when my plank hold felt considerably easier than during week one. Though I didn’t see a difference, I could feel it.”

30 Days Plank Challenge

Leah also mentioned that she felt all the tension was gone which was accumulated by sitting at the desk. She was even surprised by the energy she felt after a short period of exercise. Apart from this, you will also develop several muscle groups. Not only, this, it also elevates metabolism.

You will not believe that this lady is a 70 years old woman and she still looks so young even today.

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