A Great Initiative: Rs 10,000 Fine For Blocking The Way Of Ambulances In Gurugram

Ambulance Gurugram Rs 10000 FineAmbulance Gurugram Rs 10000 Fine

Have you ever encountered a scenario in which other moving cars are causing delays or obstructions for emergency vehicles, such as ambulances? How disheartening it is to witness thoughtless behavior. All vehicles must yield or make enough space for ambulances as they transport patients during life-threatening emergencies. Sadly, in today’s world, it is uncommon to witness someone trying to give way to emergency vehicles of this kind. When individuals fail to take appropriate action, authorities must intervene on their behalf. Police have the authority to impose on any vehicle obstructing an ambulance path a Rs 10,000 fine under Section 196E of the Motor Vehicles Act. Continue reading to know more about the act in Gurugram.


Rs 10,000 Fine For Causing Delay To Ambulances

The Gurugram traffic police will fine drivers Rs 10,000 for failing to make way for emergency vehicles. These vehicles include ambulances and fire engines. They chose to impose sanctions on motorists after discovering that ambulances remained stopped in traffic. This caused delays in emergency care for sufferers, police officials said. According to Section 196E of the Motor Vehicles Act, police may charge a vehicle Rs 10,000 for blocking an ambulance’s passage.


DCP Officier’s Say On This

According to Gurugram’s deputy commissioner of police (traffic), Virender Vij, failing to yield to emergency vehicles on city highways will result in a Rs 10,000 punishment. “Zonal officers of traffic police will board ambulances to check the practice and record videos to identify the vehicles plying on the stretches. More than 35 personnel have been deployed for the task,” he stated. He stated that the teams would send digital challans to violators. They will be sent substantiation in the form of images and videos to their registered phones via WhatsApp. DCP stated,

“This move will help in saving lives of critical patients being taken to different hospitals or fire tenders rushing to any spot. We are already providing green corridors for ambulances carrying organs for transplanting to different hospitals and helping to save the lives of serious patients. In the last year, Gurugram traffic police had provided 15 green corridors to facilitate organ donation.”


A Great Initiative By The Police


Gurugram Traffic Police added that they are giving green corridors for ambulances bringing organs for transplantation to various hospitals, hence saving the lives of sick patients. Green corridors are paths constructed for specific ambulances that allow them to proceed without stopping. Green corridors guarantee that organs or critically ill patients reach the hospital as soon as possible. In 2023, traffic police in Gurugram offered 15 corridors.

Commercial vehicles utilizing the first two right lanes of the Delhi-Gurgaon expressway (from the Kherki Daula toll to the Sirhaul border) would face a 500 fine, according to police comments from December last year. A second breach of the regulations will result in a Rs 1,500 fine.

To spread knowledge regarding the new expressway laws, DCP (traffic) Virender Vij officiated a meeting with senior authorities. He said transporters were also instructed to urge vehicles to follow traffic laws and not utilize the first two lanes. What do you think about this great initiative? Tell us your views in the comments section below. We are waiting for your response.

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Kavya Bisht: I am a young aspiring writer currently exploring my versions at DU. Debating, manipulation, logic and communication are what excite me. Speaking facts with the correct words and manipulation is a skill, not very common, that can be found in me. The strengths I hold say a lot about me. 'Bibliophile' would be a good term to describe me.