Health & Fitness

Acne! No More Worries, Here’s Amazing Remedy For It

Acne and pimples give terrible irritation over the face. It reduces confidence, reduces self-esteem. Acne usually comes due to the imbalance of hormones and excess of oil glands. If you are troubling from acne, no more worries. Here is a remedy for it.


1. Aloe vera


It acts as the best medicine in curing acne. If you have an Aloe vera plant in your home, then it’s fantastic. Cut the leaves and extract the juice out of it. Apply it over the parts where you have acne for 1 hour and wash it off with lukewarm water. For better results, apply it over the face before you go to bed and rinse it off with lukewarm water in the morning. You can see improvement in 15 days. If you don’t have a plant and if it’s not possible then don’t worry. There is a readymade gel you can get easily.


2. Cucumber


It works as an anti-inflammatory. Make a paste of finely grained cucumber and mix two spoons of lemon juice. Mix it well and apply it over the face. Leave it for 30 min and wash it off with lukewarm water. If you have severe acne then do it twice a day.


3. Garlic

Acne Remedy Garlic

It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. The regular intake of garlic helps in purifying impure blood. For good results, take garlic cloves and make a fine-grained paste then apply it over the face. Leave it for 15 min and wash it off with lukewarm water.


Some Other Tips

1. Don’t ever crush acne on the face. Don’t touch it frequently. If you do so, it makes acne and scars worse and spread even more.

2. Take fruits that contain vitamin C.

3. Take papaya juice thrice a week.

4. Avoid sugar and sweets.

5. Avoid too much of oil.

6. Avoid foods that contain yeast.

7. Avoid gluten and grains. It has a lot of impact on the intestine. If you have a problem in the gut, it results in the skin.

8. Use coconut oil in cooking. It helps a lot in removing acne. It fights against harmful bacteria in the body.

9. Fiber can reduce acne. So take foods that are rich in fiber.

10. Take sprouted seeds regularly.

11. Taking protein-rich food helps in balancing sugar levels and removes acne.

12. Use tea tree oil for face wash. It kills harmful bacteria.

Follow these tips in addition to the methods said above. You can use any one of the ways. Patience and perseverance can always do miracles. Follow at least 41 days, then you will surely see great results.

Share your experience after following these tips.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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