
These Are Few Airplane Secrets Are Only Known To Flight Attendants

Airplane secrets flight attendants won't tell via

11. Unlimited Snacks

Airplane secrets

Yes, you can get unlimited snacks on the flights if you have a polite way of asking. It also depends on the availability of food in the plane.


12. Luggage Left Behind

Airplane secrets

The weirdest thing for flight attendants is when people deboard and leave their luggage behind. This happens many times.


13. Uncomfortable Uniforms

Airplane secrets

Most of the airlines have ugly and uncomfortable uniforms for flight attendants and crew.


14. Seat Upgrade

Airplane secrets

You can also get a seat upgrade if you manage to convince the flight attendant with your talks.


15. No Secret Codes

Airplane Secrets

Flight attendants don’t have any secret codes or stuff like that.

So, these were some of the airplane secrets which only crew members and flight attendants know. Do you want to know about the airlines with most beautiful air hostess? Check out here. People travel to different countries but there are some who can’t even travel. Read the stories of these 5 people who do not have a citizenship of any country.