The Reason Why This Anti-Bird Spikes Are Kept On Trees Shocks You

I don’t know why some people get such of kind of heinous ideas that harm other creatures. Some rich people have installed anti-bird spikes on Clifton trees to avoid bird poop from falling on their “expensive and luxurious” cars.

Surprised, aren’t you?

But this is real!


This horrific incident came to light after a Twitter user posted the photos.

Residents in an exclusive part of Bristol have installed anti-bird spikes on a pair of neighborhood trees to protect their BMWs and Audis from bird poop.

Spikes have been nailed to two trees in the front garden of Essendene House and Heathfield House between Clifton Down and Pembroke Road. And here is what one resident who owns the land said,

“The spikes are solely to protect the cars, there is no other reason. There is a big problem with bird droppings around here. They can really make a mess of cars, and for some reason they [the birds] do seem to congregate around this area,”

Here is how Twitteratis reacted to this nameless heinous act.


1. I wonder who got this idea!

2. Yes, they can wrap the car with a cover

3. Ban them from flying!

4.  Yea, it’s indeed awful

5. The most idiotic thing

Just for the sake of car parking,  isn’t this insane to install anti-bird spikes on trees? They can use covers to wrap their “luxurious” cars right!

What do you feel about this incident? Share us in the comments. Karma always hit back and here is the proof.

Pavani Bharathula: I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.