
Arnab’s Explosive Interview With Hrithik And His Answers Shocks You



After Kangana Ranaut’s statements on her past affairs, Bollywood fans are keen to know the other side talks too. And TV anchor Arnab Goswami interviewed Hrithik Roshan to reveal the other side conversation too. Most of the celebrities use social media as a medium to blow dirt on each other. 

Kangana’s sister Rangoli is also playing an important part in this matter. Finally, Hrithik Roshan has appeared on Republic TV for giving an interview to talk about this burning matter.

And do you know, this interview was captioned as “No Interview So Explosive” by the channel.

It all started this way,


“First of all, I am not a victim,” he began. “I don’t think there is anything in my life that will make me think that way about myself.”

“I know, and I have always known, that whatever I say can and will be used against me,” he continued, “and I have to be honest that I am very, very uncomfortable right now.”

“I am not a person of confrontation. I have never been into a fight. I find shortest route to peace. Even in my divorce (with Suzzane) there was no fight. There is no grace sitting here and justifying myself. There is no grace in sitting here to prove myself right and the other person wrong.”

He also told why he was afraid during all this time,


“I am afraid even now. I am afraid that my words will be misused. I can’t be emotional as it will show me weak. I cannot be vulnerable, as I will be termed as sympathy gainer. But it is affecting me and my family’s well being. I have had enough of it. My silence is not my strength anymore. It was affecting me now. I had to do something about it. There were lots of moments when I wanted to speak up, but people advised me not to!”

Hrithik has opened his heart and answered to questions asked by Arnab Goswami:


1. When did you first meet her?

“I first met her in 2008-2009,” said Hrithik.

2. In 2009, a close friend of Kangana quoted that you and Kangana had found solace in each other’s company, and you two were really good friends?

Hrithik denied this. “We did not become good friends,” he said, “I found her to be extremely, extremely professional, not just in Kites, but through Krrish as well, to the extent that I was really, really proud of her. She came with her dialogues, and she was giving everything she had for my movies, and for an actor to give so much to my movies meant a lot. I was extremely proud of her, and I told her that several times.”

“She said that she was inspired by me after seeing me in a film in Manali. I took that as a compliment,” he added.


3. In 2011, she signed Krish 3. You pleaded to her to sign the film?

Hrithik said, “My father approached her. Kangana felt that her role might fade away as she was not in lead. But my father gave her the whole narration and made her believe in the script. It took her 6 months to believe in the script, and she went on to sign the film”.

4. You had a relationship with her? Any romance? There is no smoke without fire!

“Facts are bigger than fiction! There was no relation and no romance. She used to send me videos of herself doing summersalt on beach. I used to normally compliment her in reply. I never thought that a single smiley and a compliment would lead to all this. I found her very shy. She never spoke. We never had proper conversation” Hrithik said.


5. What about all those birthday parties you attended?

“There were hundreds of people at those parties, and they were always around some movie,” Hrithik responded. “You have a celebration, a birthday or whatever, and you’re calling more than a hundred people, and you make sure you include all your team.”

6. “Was there anything at any time where you began to get worried, that you saw something from her side or in her behaviour that made you think twice?”

“We were at a wrap party in Jordan, and I was ready to retire for the night, and she wanted to talk, and I was very, very tired, so I told her we should talk in the morning,” he said. “I ordered for room service, and there was a loud knock on my door, so I went to check – this was 2012, and everyone was really happy – and it was her through the keyhole.”

“She didn’t appear to be in the right state. It was a party so you’ve had a few drinks, so I called my assistant, and he came down to her room and asked her sister to come get her.


7. Did you speak to anyone about it?

Rangoli (Kangana’s sister) came and told me not to think badly of her, and that she is a good girl,” Hrithik said, “and I said of course, I’m not for a moment judging her.”

A year passed until they met again, but Hrithik said this time, he was wary. He was more careful about not letting her get too close. “I don’t judge the behaviour, but I would not do that, my instinct said be nice.”

Arnab then mentioned that rumours linking them together began in 2013, but Hrithik said what he had already said in his statement. “I have not met her one on one in my life.”


8. What about when she said that you proposed marriage to her in 2014?

“When I heard that I was relieved, because I thought we this is a lie that can be demolished,” Hrithik said. “Then came the photoshopped pictures. But no one saw the truth. And in 2014, I didn’t even leave the country from Jan to March. And in Dec 2013, I was in US, and not in Europe.”


9. Why didn’t you give an interview then?

“Because it’s disgraceful. Everything I said, would be used against me. Even this interview right now, could be used against me,” Hrithik said. “My friends told me I couldn’t do that. I was a star, and I don’t understand what being a star has anything to do with this.

The email was sent from the ID ‘[email protected]’ to ‘[email protected]’. The email from Hrithik’s ID was reportedly sent on May 5, 2014 at 5:02:23PM IST and was in reply to her email sent on May 4, 2014 at 19:32:15 +0000 (UTC) where she wrote, “Or you still want you wife ?”

10. She promises you a secret relationship, and then she said that she would like to go to Prague?

“These weren’t as explicit as the first mails,” Hrithik said. “You don’t have them,” he said, after Arnab made to look for papers. “They were explicit.” “It started with ten then fifteen mails and I was afraid,” he said. “If I send you an email right now, how would you stop the email from entering your inbox?”

“I’ll block you,” Arnab countered.

“If you have a MacBook Pro, there is no option to block people. Believe me I hunted for this blocking option. You can only spam it or junk it, and I did that immediately,” he said. “I must have read 40-50 of them. There were about 3-4000.”

“All this time, the harassment was limited to my laptop, then she made it public. And that is when I got afraid.”


11. “Why did you not reply to her and say ‘Kangana, I would not like to receive these sexually explicit emails,’” Arnab asked Hrithik

“My higher understanding of life has taught me that ignorance is the best way forward.This is not the first time, I’ve been sent mails of this nature. I’ve learnt in the past that my ignorance discouraged it, and that is what I thought would happen now.

“I spoke to my friends, I spoke to people in the industry and asked them if they knew a friend of her’s. The affect that my conversation with Rangoli last month had on me, when I heard terms like ‘rape’ I was a mess.”

12. Why didn’t you file a police report then?

“I didn’t want to name her. I could have replied, I could have made a phone call, I could have sent an SMS saying ‘come over’, but thank God I didn’t,” Hrithik said. “I didn’t want to associate with this at all. I am a creative person. I have kids. I had no interest in this. Until it started manifesting in the outside world. I can handle things in my inbox. I deal with my problems. I can just brush it aside and move on.”

13. You met at Karan Johar’s birthday party. What happened that time?

She said that she read my mail about how I was happy seeing her film ‘Queen’ and how Proud I was. I clarified that I haven’t watched the film. I didn’t send any e-mail, and I didn’t have her e-mail id. This made her upset.

14. Hrithik, why were you not protecting yourself?

“I agree with you,” said Hrithik. “It was my mistake. I talked to the then Police Commissioner of Mumbai and he asked me not to have any conversation with that lady. I don’t have any legal knowledge. Moreover, I am media shy. I had to take his advice. I didn’t want to be an attacking person. I wanted a solution. I am not fighting anything. There is no use of accusing her. We should look for the solution. We should learn something”.


15. You never reacted all those 2 years, but you reacted after she called you a ‘silly ex’?

Yes, People said that why are you reacting to this if you have no connection with her. Your reaction proves that there was something between you both. I want to say that if someone abuses me and I react to it, this doesn’t mean that I accept those abuses.

16. You sent her a legal notice after this?

He said, “That notice was a private one. I just wanted her to stop all that. But it backfired. I didn’t call her mad or anything. She herself had written in those emails. She might be a wonderful person. After that I started getting messages from round the globe that I am not just a silly ex, but a small minded man too. Every single move of mine backfired”.

17. You have accepted that you are uncomfortable here and you are vulnerable. Will it affect you after admitting this on national television?

I am a human being. I have accepted my vulnerabilities. At least I am not pretending to be strong. People are depressed who pretend to be good. They commit suicide in the end. People near me told me that I am a star and I should keep going. But the human being inside me told me that I am not a star but a normal being who is an actor. This whole superstar thing is an illusion.

18. She recently went on a Hindi channel and gave minute details about your relationship

I saw that. I laughed it off, and was amused to see that. And I realized that it is going to start all over again because she was so convincing. I then had a word with a doctor that how she can be so convincing while lying. He made me understand everything.

19. You feel that you have been used as a prop for publicity?

Doesn’t matter. People can use my name if it helps them.

20. What if people don’t believe you?

If they believe me, it’s great. If they don’t, great. I have spent 4 years when people didn’t believe me. It doesn’t bother me anymore. I am not here to accuse anyone. I am here to shut down this chapter, to create awareness, to defend myself, and then move on.

21. What if she doesn’t shut things?

It’s OK

22. She might be watching this show. What would you say to her?

If I get a chance to speak to her, I will tell what my thoughts are, but not here. It’s national television.

Click here to watch Hrithik’s interview

Everyone has one story to say. These days it is not so easy to know the truth. Just by seeing about the mannerism, body language, speech and confidence also we may go wrong sometimes if the other person is master in that skill.

Kangana told from her side and Hrithik said from his side. No one knows the truth. What we can do? Concentrate on our career, take care of parents and move on.

What are your views on this interview? Share us in the comments. See what Kangana has made allegations on Hrithik here.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.