
These Are The Assault Rifles Used By Indian Military Forces

Assault rifles via

6. Vidhwansak Anti-Material Rifle

Assault rifles

This Anti- Material Rifle is created in Ordinance Factory Tiruchirapalli. It is mainly used for destroying enemy bunkers, radar systems, and light armored vehicles. Also, it is loaded through bolt action and is magazine fed, giving this rifle a range of up to 1800m.


7. IMI Tavor Tar-21

Assault rifles

This rifle is used by the special forces of India Army. This Firearm consists of selective fire settings and can be semi or fully automatic. Also, it is made in Israel. This is a low maintenance and reliable rifles which makes it better than the other Rifles.


8. APS Amphibian Rifle

Assault rifles

Just like its name, this rifle made in the Soviet nation is an underwater rifle used by Indian Navy by MARCOS. It has a firing speed of 600m underwater but as the depth increases the range decreases. Also, it has a better accuracy than other ordinary rifles.


9. SP66 Mauser Sniper Rifle

Rifles and Guns

This is a bolt action driven rifle and is made in Germany. It has a shooting range of 800m and is used by the special military forces of Indian Army.


10. SAF Carbine 2A1 Sub Machine Gun

Assault rifles

This is a machine gun with a silencer on its barrel, it barely makes any noise on shooting. It is manufactured in Kanpur Ordinance Factory. Also, it is a lightweight weapon which can fire up to 150 rounds per minute with an automatic firing setting. Furthermore, it is mostly used for special purposes like terror attacks, special missions by Indian Army as well as the Indian Navy.

So, these were the 10 guns our Indian military soldiers use. Also, everyone dreams to be in the defense or army. But only lucky ones get the privilege. But do you know there’s a village in India where there is a military man in every household? So, click here to know about this special village.