
Chandrayaan 3 Launch Date And Time: Everything You Need To Know About It

Chandrayaan 3 Costvia

On July 14, 2023, Chandrayaan 3, India’s subsequent lunar mission, is scheduled to launch. The mission’s objective is to send a rover to explore and conduct scientific experiments once a spacecraft touches the moon’s surface. It is a follow-up mission to Chandrayaan-2, which had some difficulties during the landing. Chandrayaan-3 has a budget of around Rs. 615 crore. India’s exploration of the moon and the advancement of science are both advanced by this mission. We anticipate hearing about the mission soon and seeing some exciting photos.


Chandrayaan 3

Chandrayaan-3 Launch Date

India’s third lunar mission is named Chandrayaan 3. It seeks to deploy a rover for scientific investigation once a spacecraft touches down on the moon’s surface. The mission, which is a follow-up to Chandrayaan-2, will investigate the characteristics and makeup of the moon. Its primary goal is to land and experiment on the lunar surface successfully. Chandrayaan 3 is an example of India’s ongoing space exploration endeavors and a step forward in our understanding of the moon.


Launch Date For Chandrayaan 3

As Chandrayaan 3, India’s third moon mission, gets ready for its much-anticipated launch, buckle up for an astronomical trip. The Satish Dhawan Space Centre has scheduled the countdown for July 14, 2023. It promises an exciting trip to the moon’s surface. Chandrayaan 3’s mission is to successfully land and deploy a rover to uncover the mysterious secrets of the moon. This mission demonstrates India’s desire to push the boundaries of space exploration and open new avenues for ground-breaking scientific research.


Cost Of Chandrayaan 3

As the budget for Chandrayaan 3 is revealed, get ready to see the scale of India’s lunar ambitions. With a massive budget of over 615 crores, this lunar expedition shows India’s unwavering dedication to discovering the moon’s cosmic mysteries. Modern rocket technology, cutting-edge spaceship development, and stringent testing processes are all part of the significant investment. India’s persistent commitment to pushing the boundaries of space research and learning more about the lunar surface is reflected in this financial contribution. Chandrayaan 3 is set to impact the world’s scientific innovation scene significantly.


Details Of The Craft


A large solar panel and the primary thruster nozzle are included in the propulsion module, which has a mass of 2148 kg and produces 758 W of power.

A lander with a mass of 1752 kg (including the rover’s 26 kg), 738 W of power, and several sensors for a secure touchdown are provided—reaction wheels for attitude control, a bipropellant system for propulsion, and an X-band antenna for communication.

Rover: A six-wheel rocker-bogie wheel drive assembly, a rectangular chassis, navigation cameras, and a solar panel that can produce 50 W of power. Utilizes Rx/Tx antennae to communicate with the lander.

Lander instrumentation includes a passive laser retroreflector array for lunar range research, an Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA), Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound Hypersensitive ionosphere, and Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE).

Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) on the rover to examine the elemental composition of the nearby surface. Spectropolarimetry of HAbitable Planet Earth (SHAPE) is a propulsion module/orbiter experiment used to analyze Earth from lunar orbit.

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Anushka Jain
the authorAnushka Jain
'Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.'