Success without failure is like a fruit without a juice. We always talk about the ways to succeed in life! There are also some classic ways to fail in life! And today we are going to talk about the same. We have come across many people in our lives, who no matter what happens (even good opportunities) are always cribbing, and are not successful in the given task and you hear them complaining about – how bad it was, how hard they tried, how mean the other person was and so on so forth!
So – really examining these kinds of people and their behaviors we have come out with most important – Four Classic Ways to Fail in Life – and here we say in life – and not work for a reason that these are valid for everything and every accept of life! So here we go –
1. I Am The Victim, And It’s Not My Fault Ever

If you love being or labeled as the victim then my dear you are on the highway to failure – the world will empathize and even sympathize with you for a period of time and then you will be left alone! In the world of self-development saying It’s never my fault is the worse! because it always is! You are responsible for what comes your way then may it appreciation or brunt of bitter words.
Remember it’s its very easy to play the victim and show that you are the little one in distress but its a sure way to failure, and no learning!
2. Blame Others For Your Incompetence

If you can’t do something – learn it. It’s as simple as it could get. If you tell someone you know how; then prove it. Stop blaming others. For examples – There isn’t even time, or its too time-crunched, I don’t have the resources – so on and so forth.
Incompetence in a way is good – you get to know what you have to improve, and what are you loopholes and areas where you can look at excelling But if you are blaming others for your non-capability of performing in your own life – then, of course, another shortcut to downfall.
3. Never Be Grateful

This is considered as very trivial – but in reality is one of the most important bits in a success or failure a person’s spiritual development.
Be grateful even for the lessons one has taught in being mean to you, be grateful to people who have come in life – and show you your weak points. Showing gratitude can happen in many ways – Respect, actually saying it, acknowledgment etc. Remember what goes around comes around. Be grateful now.
4. Not Learning What The Situation Has To Teach

One of our classic favorite, Why do we not learn from things when life repeats similar kinds of situations over and over again. If we don’t learn, it will repeat. So will the blaming others, self-sympathy, the ungrateful behavior will also repeat and the entire circle will play on the loop once again. You are wasting a lot of Spiritual time of your soul time – if you don’t learn from every person and every situation.
Everyone has something to teach – you need to have an eye for it – and decide if you learn and succeed or ignore and fail!
Spiritually it is extremely important to look at your life thoroughly and see the gaps that you have created over lifetimes, and your actions that you might have taken to be what you are today. You can start your journey where ever you are at the given point, by using methods to learn about yourself, come to terms with who you are and what have you been doing wrong.
Learn these easy techniques if you want to grow as a person, through workshops or personal sessions by an expert Anshul Bafna. These sessions will look at your life path, from a soul level, studying your blueprint and helping you awaken yourself to your true being.

About Anshul Bafna, she is a Business Psychologist, Spiritual Coach and a Mystic helping thousands of people. She is a master in understanding soul journeys and guiding people achieve a spiritual balance in life in the corporate and at her center through, workshops, seminars, talks, lectures across the country.
Anshul works in the areas of, emotional intelligence, healing, mind transformation, Spiritual Parenting, Tarot, Soul awakening, karmic cleansing, healing, Neuro-Linguistic programming, stress management, work-life balance, mindfulness, and other areas of professional, personal, Emotional freedom techniques, regression & spiritual development.
You can directly connect with her team over email It’s time you took that step towards the real happy you.