These Smartphone Apps Are Dangerous, Get Rid Of Them Immediately

Apps which can harm your phoneApps which can harm your phone


Recently Google took down over 700,000 smartphone apps from their play store as they emitted a dangerous threat to the Android users. Google has been working for a while to remove malicious apps that pose a danger to Android phones. In 2017 Google took down over 700,000 apps from their play store to make it more safe and authentic.

These apps use tricky names like Whatsapp Pro, WiFi Password Pro, Super Flashlight Pro that makes people into believing that they are super useful but in reality, these apps are full of ads and barely shows any legitimate content to the user. These overriding apps often result in the lagging and hanging of the phone. If you also have any of the following apps on your phone then you should get rid of them as soon as possible.


1. LED Flashlight

Dangerous AppsDangerous Apps

This app claims to be the brightest LED Light through an App. Now if you really use some common sense then do you really think that an App can make your Flashlight glow brighter than it’s efficiency?


2. Voice Recorder Pro


This app claims to be better than the built-in voice recording app of your phone but in reality, it only uses extra space on your mobile phone.


3. File Transfer Pro


This apps transfers files from one phone to another over the hotspot. This malicious app only transfers your personal data to its provider which can result really harmful in some cases.


4. Smart Swipe


This apps gives you access to the apps on your phone with sideswipes. It looks really time-saving and good at the start but as you keep using this app it starts to lag your phone which results in your phone working really slow.

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Vijay Alagar: Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.