5 Things To Start From Day One Of 2017


New year’s eve is winter season which offers us two alternatives. Either to settle down and enjoy the chills of winter or to keep your nerves active and keep on trying new things and stay active on your schedule. January 1st is not at all a bad day to make a fresh start like a pro. Below we have come up with 5 things to start from day one of 2017.  


1. Loosen Up The Grip Over Past Experiences

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Getting rid of emotional baggage is very important as it only wear us down and does nothing good. We must understand the non-existence of past and our inability to alter it. Thus, getting your mind and heart rid of it and infuse in some fresh air is probably the best thing you can accommodate during the new year.


2. Make it productive and clean out your closet


Rearranging your closet and disposing off your unwanted clothes is best to do to feel and start fresh. Sticking to this routine is the most humble thing you can do to yourself to avoid every morning hassle of finding what to do.


3. Redo the furniture setting


Rearranging the furniture is mood-enhancer in a bonafide sense. Move your chair from right to left corner and replace the lamp. Sometimes, this much becomes enough to breath fresh.


4. Learn something new


You can choose to skip some cat fight videos on YouTube and search something you want to learn. Start learning anything these days is matter of flick of fingers, so this is something you can start from day one.


5. Set a bar to your addictions


Habits stay as long as we choose to sustain them. If you can not completely eliminate it, setting a bar to it will help you a great way in getting rid of them.


Saloni Mittal: