Football players take 120 rounds of the field in 90 minutes and burns 1500 calories. On an average, a Footballer covers a distance of 11.2 km. Three days have passed since FIFA World Cup began. And a sport like FIFA demands a lot of strength and stamina. During a match, a player runs on average 11.2 kilometers. This distance equals 120 rounds of a football field, which results in 1500 burnt calories.

During the match, the carbohydrate and protein consumption of the player increases in the body. There is a lack of energy. It takes about 12 to 14 hours for the energy that is finished in the body to come back inside the body. Midfield players are the busiest. While covering both the ends of the ground at times they cover more than 15 km. At the same time, goalkeepers cover the least amount of kilometers.

After Football players, cricketers are the ones who cover the next maximum distance of 12kms. The distance covered by a footballer player in 90 minutes equals the distance covered by cricket players in 8-9 hours of play.
Here Are The Top 5 Games In Terms Of Distance Travel
1. Football 11.2 Kms In 90 Minutes

2. Hockey 9 Kms In 60 Minutes

3. Cricket 12 Kms In 9 Hours

4. Tennis 4.8 Kms In 2 Hours 40 Minutes On Average

5. Basketball 4.3 Kms In 48 Minutes

Those are some huge numbers, aren’t they? People who are into professional sports should be very fit and healthy to give the maximum output needed to perform well and ensure success for themselves and their teams. It’s easy to judge watching through a television but it is really hard to have that much physical fitness and endurance. What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below. Also, check out the list of hosting stadiums for FIFA World Cup 2018.