
Bengaluru Couple Raising A Community Of Bikers Who Rescue And Feeds Dogs




A Designer by profession, Sushant Ajnikar along with his wife Anita Rane, residents of Bengaluru, while on their way home, spotted an almost dead dog lying by the median strip.

Sushant pulled over immediately to carry the dog to the nearby company premises, to have a helpful of security guards.

As such the couple have rescued many dogs till date and have adopted three dogs-Zombie ,Lulu and April and so decided to create an entity for their initiative and Paws of India. All of them are bought to home believing that they were accidentally injured, as Zombie's ears were cut, Lulu has a stub for tail and April is completely blind in one eye and  about 20percent vision in the other.

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Being passionate about dogs from the very young age, the couple would spend their pocket money on biscuits for stray dogs.

Sushant vision has no looking back. His passion for biking and travelling always made him Unite India's biking community to feed street dogs and create responsiveness among people.

His passion and thought met in 2014, when Sushant, decided to make trip to Leh which is associated with the cause they had held closest to their hearts.

Speaking about Paws of India, Sushant put his words this way,

“Right now, Paws of India is managed by just the two of us. We are not an NGO. Not yet. We don’t know what kind of entity we are at the moment, but we want to call ourselves a movement — a movement that can inspire bikers to feed street dogs when they go riding.”

Anita, an amateur artist and a writer by profession, works as the content lead at 22 feet Tribal Worldwide. Their initiative " Paws  of India" aims to send out message to be sensitive to the street dogs.


“Animals are far more intelligent than humans and contrary to popular belief, they know how to adapt and coexist, unlike the human race. No animal will harm you unless provoked by you, or by circumstance. If we simply observe the nuances of animals, we will understand how they function, and our fear and antagonistic attitude will transform to intrigue, tolerance, and eventually, acceptance,”

-Anita adds.

We need more people like this!

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Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.

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