News about domestic violence is frustrating now a days, that we live in the 21st century with ever growing development. There still exists some undeveloped brains who like to beat and harass their wives for not obeying what they orders.
Domestic Violence

Another such case has emerged from Pune where a woman has accused her husband for using harsh rules on her which, if not obeyed, would get her beaten up. Married in 2008 to an IT Professional, this woman’s life didn’t turn out the way she dreamed of it.
Accusations Made By The Wife

*He would beat me if the size of Chapattis wasn’t a particular size.
*He threatened to kill our daughter with a knife several times.
*He kept a record of every single thing that I did.
Files A Case Against Husband

When this vulnerable lady finally found help she administered a case against her husband for Domestic Violence and Sexual Harassment. In her reports she has stated some unusual harassment method that her husband used on her.
Men Can Be Ruthless

“He used to beat me up for small Mistakes, like he always wanted the chapattis to be in 20 cm diameter. He used to check them every day and If there was any mistake I would get beaten up.”
“He asked me to maintain an Excel Sheet for everyday chores of work and mark them Completed or Pending with color codes. If I failed to did something, I had to state my reason for the same.”
“He used to keep record of everything and made me write it all in a notebook and I had to read it out loud to him at a particular time.”
“He once beat me up till I was unconscious and then dragged me to the Tap. When the water bought me back to senses he started abusing me again.”
“He once chased my daughter with a knife in order to scare me.”
” He drenched me in water and then made me sleep in an Air Conditioned room while I was drenched.”
These facts by the woman show that this man is no less than an IT robot who has no feelings. On being asked questions about this matter the Husband has chosen to remain silent.
Now the case has been presented to Judicial Magistrates First Class. We hope that after being harassed for over a decade this woman finally finds justice and is liberated from the living hell. Also that a strict action is taken against her husband for immorality.
Wish to read more about how women are tortured by some heartless beings? Click here to read another story that will leave you in tears.