
On This Earth Day, Let Us See How The Earth Has Changed In The Last 100 Years

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No doubt that human beings have dramatically changed various facets of planet earth in a matter of centuries. As we mark Earth Day, it’s worthwhile to reflect five ways that we have changed our planet in the last 100 years.


5. Massive Spike In World’s Population


In the year 1917, the world’s population was about 2 billion. In just about the 100 years; the population has ballooned to over 7 billion. The world’s largest cities have seen huge population spikes. You know, we now have 7 billion people living on earth.

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With this many people living on earth, changes have been made to accommodate these people. More houses have been built. So, in order to clear the land, lot many trees were cut down.


4. Improved Technology


Can you live without phone and internet access or TV? Obviously no one can. We all got addicted to it so badly.  None of them was available to most of the people 100 years ago. But now, its completely different with the improved technology. A recent report says that more than 6 billion people have access to cell phones. That’s 1.5 billion more than the number of people who have access to clean toilets.


While technology has numerous advantages, it also has a dark side. The US alone produces 50 million tons of e-waste every year and the majority of it, is not disposed properly.


3. High Usage Of Automobiles

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In 1913, Henry ford created the first automated assembly line for mass production of the automobile estimates show that they were about 1.1 million automobiles registered in the US in 1913.  In 2017, according to research gathered from ward’s the worldwide number of motor vehicles and operation jumped over the 1.2 billion mark and by 2035 the usage will go up to 2 billion.


2. High Number Of Fuel Is Being Dumped By Aircraft- Impact On Atmosphere


The US department of transportation reported that 815.3 million scheduled passengers travelled on US airlines and foreign airlines serving the United States. A commercial jet during a ten-hour international flight burns over 30,000 gallons of fuel (1, 50,000 litres). A hundred years ago, a commercial air travel barely existed as the first commercial flight took place in 1914.


1. Extinct Of Species Due To Human Actions

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Human actions over the last 100 years impacted the planets, non-human residents more than humans themselves. In 2017, a 'red list’ of endangered species compiled by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) features 82,954 animals and plants, with almost a third threatened with being wiped out completely.


What can we do to help fix these things?

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1. Switch off devices when not in use

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2. Ride your cycle more than car

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3. Plant New Trees


4. Use Water Wisely, Don’t Waste It


Little changes you make in your daily lives will help protect earth for many years to come.

If you have any suggestions how we can save the Earth, please share in the comments. Spread awareness by sharing this with your friends. If everyone can plant a tree every day, imagine how beautiful earth will be to live in.

Happy Earth Day!!

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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