
Eatery Puts A Refrigerator Outside To Feed The Poor


A restaurant, Pappadavada, in Kochi, puts up a refrigerator in order to urge its customers to store uneaten food so that the poor and homeless can make use of it.

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Minu Pauline, the owner of the restaurant, wanted to feed more than just her customers. She noticed how much food people left behind on their plates. This made her want to combat hunger and waste of food at the same time. She hence came up with this ingenious idea of installing a refrigerator.

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It started off as a small initiative but now people from all across the town come over to donate some food.  

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Money is yours but resources belong to society. If you’re wasting your money, it’s your money, but you’re wasting the society’s resources. Don’t waste the resource, don’t waste the food.

The refrigerator feeds around 20 people everyday.

It is open 24/7 and there is nobody to supervise. Anybody who needs the food can come take the food and go.  

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Pauline asked the people who donate to write down the date and time at which they left the food in, so that the people who need the food know for how long the food has been in there and whether it’s still healthy to consume.

Pauline herself puts in 75 to 100 portions of food in it daily.


Faith in humanity – restored!


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Divya Raghav
the authorDivya Raghav
Divya Raghav is an enthusiastic environmentalist who loves writing about everything around her. Make her some good coffee and she'll be friends with you forever.

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