
Watch This Heart Warming Video Of Elephant Saving Drowning Human Friend. Feel the Love

Elephant Saving Drowning Human FriendElephant Saving Drowning Human Friend


When we give our true love to other humans, they may betray and use it in a bad way.

But animals are always different, unique and greater, lovable than humans in every aspect. Whatever the animal it may be, it only knows to give 100% unconditional love back if we give atleast 50% of our love.

This video proves it again and shows the affectionate bond between Kham Lha, the elephant, and his human friend, Darrick.

This footage is captured at the Elephant Nature Park in Northern Thailand shows the trainer swimming in water. In the mean time, Kham Lha, baby elephant misunderstands and thinks Darrick needs help. So the elephant rushes to rescue her friend.

Watch this beautiful video




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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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