5. Chose Gummies Over Mickey

While selecting the show’s characters, Eisner struck off every suggestion that brought Mickey Mouse to the Saturday morning show. Instead, he pitched Gummi Bears, a candy that his kids enjoyed. His creative team was not in favor of bringing the bear characters into play, but Eisner had already made his mind.
6. Nothing To Worry About While Licensing Candy

Gummi Bear was a generic name and had no central ownership. It meant that Disney could use the name already popular among children without even paying for the rights. However, critics reported that the show encouraged the children to consume sugary candies, but there was no effect on the show’s fame.
7. One Of The Many Bear-Related Cartoons

Saturday morning televisions, around the 1980s, were full of cartoons that had bear characters in them. The reason for this was discovered. For instance, CBS was broadcasting ‘The Berenstain Bears,’ an adaption of the popular book series, ABC had ‘The Care Bears’ who used to love and hug instead of fighting their opponents.
8. They Considered Leaving Disney’s Name Off

Doing a Disney-level animation on a television budget was extremely hard for the producers. Nonetheless, there were suggestions that Disney should take off its name from the series. But Eisner disagreed, as he thought that Disney theme parks would need a stream of new characters to use and that, regardless of the title of the show, a Disney-produced program could not go on air and look like trash.
Also Read: Facts About Tom And Jerry