9. Facebook Is Blue
Ever wondered, why the color of Facebook is lame blue. Well, it is because of the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg suffers from color blindness.
10. Candy Crush Earns $633,000 In A Day
Candy Crush may seem like a time wasting game but it has been alluring millions of people. To conclude it earns $633,000 a day in revenue.
11. Apple Computer And Smoking
This one seems weird but it is true, as you smoke besides your computer the smoke goes to the processor. The company thinks that the computer contains the passive smoke. Hence, they mark it as a bio-hazard and refuse to repair it.
12. Weird Rule In Amazon
There is a weird rule for the workers in Amazon company, each of the workers including the CEO has to spend 2 days each year at the customer service desk.
Were you aware of these facts? There are many strange laws about the world you will be surprised to know and there are some crazy laws as well.
Do you know the story behind the popular logos, they will definitely surprise you to the core. Cost of these top brands logo will blow your mind, the logo of Pepsi cost 6.36 crore.