5 Food Items That Aid in Stomach Infection Causes

Stomach InfectionStomach Infection


When struggling to keep anything in, the best bet is to bank on food items that offer relief to the stomach. Stomach bug or germs can cause an infection that can end up leaving you with not-so-good food choices. While resting and staying make for an important part of the treatment plan, practicing adequate personal hygiene is also necessary. Germs are already causing trouble to your health, the last thing you would want is to add to the condition. So, make sure you clean your hands thoroughly using Dettol Hand Wash to kill 99.9% germs.

Stomach InfectionStomach Infection

Certain food items can cause further damage to the condition and leave you bedridden and rushing to the washroom for days to come.


1. Dairy Products


Your biggest enemy when suffering from a stomach infection is anything dairy. It would help if you allowed the intestines to rest. As dairy can contribute to diarrhea, it is best that you keep away from milk, cottage cheese and more. Bank on food items that are bland, easy on the stomach and quick to digest. Make a habit of washing hands using Dettol Hand Wash before consuming anything during this period. It is always better to be safe than sorry.


2. Alcohol And Caffeine


Constant diarrhea and vomiting can cause excess fluid loss from the body during stomach infection. Thus, it becomes important to drink plenty of liquids to prevent the condition from worsening further. The trick is to bank on clear liquids and steer clear of alcohol and caffeine. Why? Both can contribute to dehydration by increasing the need to urinate. Keep a bottle full of non-caffeinated sodas and sports drinks and sip slowly throughout the day to fight dehydration.


3. Acidic And Fatty Foods


Citrus foods and those that are acidic and fatty may cause irritation to the stomach while making you feel uneasy. Advisable is to steer clear of such foods until the symptoms subside. Depending on the severity of illness, avoid consumption of acidic and fatty foods for one or two weeks. Ask someone to bring home a bunch of bananas to help replace the potassium loss in the body.


4. High Fiber Foods


Though high fiber food encourages regular bowel movements and is healthy for the intestines, it can’t be digested easily. Indigestion of high fiber foods can make the infection even worse. Thus, till the time stomach infection symptoms are in full swing, avoid whole-grain foods like crackers, pasta, bread, cereals, and brown rice.


5. Spices


You might crave for spices, but you must know that spices can complicate the stomach infection symptoms and lead to making you feel sicker. So, if you are not used to spicy food, this might not be the best time to experiment. Stick to plain and bland food till the time you don’t start feeling good and keep washing your hands to be 100% sure of being germ-free while eating. If getting up and walking to the washroom to wash hands is not feasible, keep Dettol hand sanitizer as an alternative. After every meal, sneeze and visit to the washroom, clean your hands.


Take Care Of Your Health

When suffering from a stomach infection, if you don’t feel like, don’t eat. If you are unable to keep anything down, suck on ice chips. Consult a physician if it’s been 24 hours and you are still not able to keep liquid down, the body is showing signs of dehydration, or vomiting blood. The sooner you start a prescribed treatment; the better are your chances of fast recovery.

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Praneet Samaiya: Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator