
Check Out These Funny Ways How People Quit Jobs – #3 Is Hilarious!

Quitting Jobsvia

5. You Are Cancer

Quitting the job in style

These employees got sick of the way their manager treated them. By reading the message they put up, it seems the manager spoke very lightly about cancer and kept swearing at them. So they all decided and quit one fine day! Be more empathetic!


6. Designer Who Designed His Way Out

Designer who quit his job

This Designer who did not like the way he was treated left this on his desktop. The nice guy even gave a nice option to renegotiate! He seems to have needed a new contract to re-continue his job! Let us just hope it went all fine for him!


7. The Prankster Who Left Easter Eggs

Pictures in random places

This guy while leaving the job left pictures of himself in random places and let the employees find his pictures at random instances. This picture behind a clock was found 2 years later when the battery had run out and the employees wanted to change the batteries and to their shock, they found this!


8. Employee’s Rage

Grocery Store Rage Quit Jobs

This employee who was fired left his job by doing this! He has kept all the packaging upside down! The amount of rage he had confuses me. He took his time to leave a message to employers. Let’s just hope no one got in trouble for this, spread love not hate!

The vast majority of these are probably bad ideas in practice, they’re great ideas in theory, so vote for the most outrageous mic-dropping employment exit! Check out these weird jobs which will surely stumble you!

Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.