Guys Also Sacrifice After Marriage, This Is How


How many of you feels that guys life does not get affected after marriage ?  Yes it’s true that Girls have to leave their house after marriage for a guy; also have to compromise and learn so many things; takes up new responsibilities and challenges. But hold on, Guys do have their own fair of challenges and responsibility after marriage.

Girls have to adjust in new place, new atmosphere but lets see how guys bachelor life was and how it changed now winkwink


1. Dumb bell to Shopping Bags

How quickly life of a guy changes from dumb bell to shopping bags, correct us if we are wrong.

Guy After MarriageGuy After Marriage


2. Riding adventure shifts to duty

Bike adventure is their in every bachelor's life. But after marriage its a life long adventure


3. Hard Disk Stuffs changes

Every bachelor has hard disk full of Porns, Games, Movies etc. but what happens when that bachelor is no more bachelor, check it out.


4. Messy Room to Clean Room

In Bachelor life, even dirty and messy rooms look clean, but after marriage beware of wife before leaving your room messy.


5. Going gym is just a dream

Guys love to go to gym to make six packs, some might get succeed and some get married and than result is below


6. Cricket Matches shifts to Daily Soaps

How many of you wants to miss a Cricket Match or any sports watching live. Hardly any, right. But this ratio changes drastically when BOSS arrives in your life and in your home and than you have only one thing to do i.e.. just watch daily soap quietly and check live scores in cell phone. Poor guys



All we want to say is even guys sacrifice some way or the other and Marriage is a scooter where both two tyres needs to take responsibility equally. But it does not mean that we don't understand the sacrifices of girls. We do, and for that we respect all girls for it.

But this post is dedicated to all those guys whose lives has been changed after marriage.

My dear bachelor friends 'Marriage can be subjected to market risks and very dangerous to your freedom, so please read the marketing terms and take expert advices before making any engagements.

Please share your experiences in the comment below.


Image Courtsey: Palak Agrawal

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Praneet Samaiya: Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator