
Happy Women’s Day! For The First Time In India, The Number Of Women Exceeds That Of Men

Women's Dayvia

Today is the 8th of March. The date that the globe celebrates it is International Women’s Day. This is the first time since independence that the number of women outnumbers the number of men in our country. Huh. Isn’t it significant?

The National Family and Health Survey-5 provided the data for this report. According to this, the country has 1,020 women for every 1,000 men. After independence, that is, in 1951, this figure was 946. And by 2015, this figure of women had reached only 991 compared to men. So, on this day, let us take a look at the reasons for women’s success.


India’s Sex Ratio

Sex Ratio India

Villages have more women per 1000 men than cities, marking the first time in the country’s history that women have outnumbered men. According to the fifth National Family and Health Survey, the country today has 1,020 females every 1,000 males. This is especially noteworthy because, in our country, where before, girl children were killed in female foeticide, i.e., they had far fewer life possibilities than boys, they are now progressing. Villages now have 1,037 females per 1,000 people, whereas cities have 985 females. According to the fourth National Family Health Survey, there were 1,009 women in rural and 956 in cities for every 1,000 men.


Women Growth In Different Fields

Women Business

Women are moving ahead not only in numbers but also in studies and work. The share of women in science and mathematics graduates is 43 percent. This figure is far higher than the US’s 34%, the UK’s 38%, and Germany’s 27%.

Talking about work in the same manner, out of 50 thousand companies registered in the country, 45 percent are women entrepreneurs. Over a five-year period, women’s start-ups earn 10% more income than men’s and employ three times as many women. These figures mark the beginning of the women’s era.


Women In Business

Dress For Success When Working From Home

Women have begun to outperform men in business, earning 10% more than startups. They are also contributing significantly to the success of businesses. The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade recognizes approximately 50,000 businesses in the country, with at least 45 percent of them being women entrepreneurs. Over a five-year period, start-ups formed or co-founded by women earn 10% higher income than start-ups founded or co-founded by men, according to Boston Consulting Group. These businesses have a more inclusive work environment and employ three times as many women as males.

In the next five years, women-led firms are expected to grow. According to Boston Consulting’s analysis, women-led enterprises are expected to grow by 90% in the next five years. Not only that, by 2030, women will own over 30 million businesses, with these businesses anticipated to produce 15 to 17 crore jobs.

Women own more than 1.57 crore businesses in India, including start-ups, at the moment. Women are borrowing money from males for MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) businesses. A loan of Rs 20.82 lakh crore was taken out by women, while a loan of Rs 11.56 crore was taken out by men.

The contribution of women towards society cannot be expressed in words. Wishing all the wonderful women, a very Happy Women’s Day.

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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator