
Highest Recorded Hot Temperatures All Over The World!


6. Hottest Temperature In Africa

Hottest Temperature in Africa

Recorded Temperature: 131 °F / 55 °C, Date: July 7, 1931. Until April of 2013, it was held by El Aziza, a small town outside of the Libyan capital of Tripoli. That was all of 136 °F / 57.77 °C, which made it the highest recorded temperature in the world.


7. Hottest Temperature In North America

Hottest Temperature in North America

Recorded Temperature: 134 °F / 56.6 °C, Date: July 10, 1913. This has been the hottest recorded weather in the world. Unexpectedly, it was in the United States of America instead of in Canada. In Death Valley, Nevada, no less. The area is below–sea–level and the driest area in North America.


8. Hottest Temperature In The Oceans

Hottest Temperature in the Oceans

Recorded Temperature: 867° F / 464° C, Date: 2005. At a depth of three kilometers in the Atlantic Ocean along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, scientists found volcanic vents producing temperatures in water that had been previously unobserved in science. Since nicknamed Two Boats and Sisters Peak, the water was found to be heating so much that it was more than hot enough to melt lead.


9. Hottest Recorded Natural Temperature

Hottest Recorded Natural Temperature

Recorded Temperature: 100,000,000° F / 55,555,537.77° C, Date: Circa 2000 b.c. If you’re wondering where or how on Earth it ever could have reached that temperature, the answer is fortunately very far from Earth. Indeed, it’s very far from our solar system, even on a cosmic scale.


10. Hottest Recorded Man-Made Temperature

Hottest Recorded Man-Made Temperature Hot

Recorded Temperature: 9,899,999,999,540.32° F /5,499,999,999,726.85° C, Date: August 13, 2012. At the famous Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, lead ions (i.e., lead atoms where the number of protons and electrons didn’t match) were used in the collision experiments. The resulting extreme heat came from a bit of subatomic matter called quark-gluon plasma, the stuff that was theorized to comprise the universe prior to the Big Bang. Most significantly, it was a case of mankind completely outdoing the highest concentration of heat in the whole universe.

These places surely had the hottest days. Not only the people but also the animals in those areas have suffered from the highest temperatures! Read another article, The Worlds Most Coldest Village Hit Its Record Low Temperature! – Guess The Temperature.