
Important Teachings Of Lord Mahaveer – #5 Should Be Followed By All

Lord Mahaveer via

Lord Mahaveer, the last and the twenty- fourth Tirthankara of the Jain religion, is one of the most significant God-like figures in Jainism. Tirthankaras were basically human beings who had attained a state of enlightenment by means of meditation and self-realization. Hence, they are considered as Gods in the Jain religion. Below are his teachings that each one of us must try to adopt for a better life:


1. Belief In Soul And Karma

Lord Mahaveer

Every element is a combination of material and spiritual factors. The material factor is perishable whereas the spiritual factor is external and is self- evolving consistently. According to him, the soul is held in a state of bondage due to Karma. The soul can be released from bondage by letting go of the passions.


2. Nirvana

Lord Mahaveer

The main objective of one’s life is to attain salvation. He always insisted on avoiding the evil Karmas and kill the existing ones. This can be attained through the five vows- speaking truth (Satya), non-injury (Ahimsa), non- adultery (Brahmacharya), non- stealing (Asteya) and non- possession (Aparigraha).


3. Non-Belief In God

Lord Mahaveer

Lord Mahaveer did not believe in God. He was never a believer that God had created the World or had any control over it. He believed that the world never ends, only changes its forms. According to him, salvation can only be attained by renunciation.


4. Rejection Of Vedas

Lord Mahaveer

Lord Mahaveer as well the Jain religion does not believe in the theory of Vedas. It gives no importance to any sacrificial rituals of the Brahmans.


5. Ahimsa

Lord Mahaveer

He was a strong believer in Ahimsa or non- violence. He believed that all the creatures be it plants, animals or humans possess life in them and none should be harmed by the other.


6. Freedom To Women

Lord Mahaveer

Lord Mahaveer favored women equally and believed that women also had equal rights to attain Nirvana.


Greatness Of Lord Mahaveer

Lord Mahaveer

His teachings clearly show the greatness of his thoughts and beliefs. Therefore, he turned out to be more of a reformer for the Jain religion and built the foundation of new faith among his followers. He has impacted the mind of many in the Jain religion. Check out the must-visit Jain temples every Jain should visit.

Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.