
These Indian States Records High Crime Rates And Are Unsafe For Women

Unsafe states for women High crime ratesvia

6. Assam


Assam is one of the states where the kidnapping of women is highest in India. In 2016, Assam police registered a total of 5339 cases of kidnapping with 5342 victims. A total of 1779 cases of rapes were also registered in the state.


5. Odisha


Odisha has one of the worst conviction ratios in the country. A total of 1983 cases of rape were registered in 2016. In connection to the crime against women in 2016, 10,627 accused were acquitted which speak a lot about how difficult it’s for women in Odisha to get justice.


4. Rajasthan


Rajasthan is at the fourth spot with 3656 rape cases registered in 2016. It is extremely difficult for women to come out and register a complaint. In three years of 2014, 2015 and 2016, the state police registered 31216, 28224, and 27422 respectively and on crime rate rank, it was fifth.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.