
These Are Some Interesting Facts You Will Never Forget – #4 Is Surprising

Interesting facts you'll never forget via

5. Buy 1 Large One Next Time


One Large Pizza (around 43 cm) is bigger than two medium pizzas of around 30 cm each.


6. Days In Months


You can count the number of days in each month using your knuckles. Start with January and those which fall on the knuckles’ bump have 31 while those which fall on the gap have 30. February is an exception with 28 or 29 days.


7. You’ll Really Get Old

Interesting facts

You lose half of your taste buds by the time you get 60 years old. Also, you lose the ability to tell the difference between sweet, salty, sour and bitter products.


8. Made Of Stardust

Interesting facts

We all are somehow part of aliens and made of stardust. How? Well, the oxygen atoms in our lungs, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, and the carbon in our muscles were born inside stars. They scattered around the universe when they exploded.