
These Are Some Interesting Facts You Will Never Forget – #4 Is Surprising

Interesting facts you'll never forget via

17. Anti-Panic & Anti-Depressive Saliva

Interesting facts

Human saliva contains opiorphin, which is a natural pain-killer and it is six times more effective than morphine.


18. Beware

Interesting facts

You meet around 16 murderers in your life and you don’t even know it.


19. A Record Maybe?

Interesting facts

You know you become the first person in history to have the cards in a specific order every time you shuffle a deck of cards.


20. Learn Angles Using Hands


You can know about angles by just using your hands as shown in the picture above.

So, these were some amazing interesting facts. Also, if you want to know some really cool facts about NorthEast India, click here. They’ll really make you love NE more than ever.