
iPhone 15 Pro Users Having A Lot Of Complaints; From Scratches To Overheating

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Titanium Framevia

The iPhone 15 Pro has been out for a few weeks now, and users are starting to report some issues with the device. Some of the most common complaints include scratches, fingerprints, and overheating. In this article, we’ll look at each of these issues and what users can do to prevent them.


iPhone 15 Pro Drawbacks

Apple’s iPhone 15 Launch

One of the most common complaints about the iPhone 15 Pro is that it scratches easily. This is likely because the device has a titanium frame, which is more prone to scratches than other materials. While some users have reported scratches on the back of the device, others have also noticed scratches on the screen.

To prevent scratches on the screen, users should consider investing in a screen protector. Many types of screen protectors are available, including tempered glass and plastic film. At the same time, tempered glass is generally more expensive. It offers better protection against scratches and cracks.

To prevent scratches on the back of the device, users should consider using a case. Many different types of cases are available, including silicone, leather, and plastic. While a case may not prevent all scratches, it can help to minimize them.

Another common complaint about the iPhone 15 Pro is that it shows fingerprints easily. This is likely because the device because a titanium frame, which is more prone to showing fingerprints than other materials. While some users have reported that the fingerprints are easy to wipe off, others have noticed that they can leave a permanent mark on the device.

To prevent fingerprints on the device, users should consider wiping it down regularly with a microfiber cloth. This can help remove any oils or dirt on the device, which can cause fingerprints to show up more quickly. Users should also avoid touching the device with dirty or oily hands.


Failed Durability Test

Finally, some users have reported that the iPhone 15 Pro overheats easily. This can be a concern, as overheating can cause the device to shut down or even damage the internal components.

To prevent overheating, users should avoid using the device in direct sunlight or hot environments. They should also avoid using the device while it is charging, which can cause it to overheat. If the device does overheat, users should turn it off and allow it to cool down before using it again.

In conclusion, while the iPhone 15 Pro is a great device, it does have some issues that users should be aware of. By preventing scratches, fingerprints, and overheating, users can help ensure that their device stays in good condition for years to come.

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