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Never Ask These Irritating Questions To The People Who Got Engaged

Irritating QuestionsIrritating Questions



The one part that comes into most of the people's life is Marriage. It is something that freaks everyone out these days. People of today give more importance to career, travelling and fun. However, due to some pressure from parents, they tend to get married.

And, asking these questions irritates people who are willing to get married soon.

1. Can you spend and adjust rest of your life with one person?



2. You know, I would never like to get married



3. Just think, won’t you miss this awesome bachelor life?



4. By the way, how much are you spending on the wedding?



5. Wedding will cost you so much..Why don’t you buy some assets for yourself?



6. Shouldn’t you be focusing on your career now?



7. How can you be sure this is the one?



8. When are you planning to have babies?



9. Can you handle all the responsibilities so soon? Are you really ready?



10. You know, most of the marriages end in divorce. Do you need that?



Well, did any one ask you such irritating questions? Is there any other to be added in this list? Share us in the comments.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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