The Real Spiderman of India – Jyoti Raju from Chitradurga

Jyoti RajuJyoti Raju


Jyoti Raju, nicknamed Spider-Man for obvious reasons, is a free climber in India whose climbing without ropes or safety equipment goes a step beyond the exploits of climbing legend Alex Honnold.

Jyoti RajuJyoti RajuRef:

Jyoti was born in 1987 in Tamil Nadu. He was lost in his childhood and was brought up by a man who tortured him. Jyoti, 27, began climbing as a young boy growing up in Tamil Nadu. He first started climbing buildings without ropes nine years ago after moving to Karnataka. He started climbing first to entertain the troops staying at the fort. He once had gone to do a suicide; there he saw monkeys climbing and jumping, he got the inspiration from them and than his mentality of achieving any difficulty brought him back to be famous as the Monkey Man. He has four rods in his body as he fell down manier times. But he never gave up. Now he became a celebrity in India when videos of his exploits were shown on Indian television.



Let us see some of his amazing feats:


Jyoti effortlessly scaling with bare hands


Jyoti Raju hanging without any rope help


The Spiderman just after a daredevil performance


The Monkey man performing in a different building


Jyoti has a more ambitious goal: He wants to climb the world’s tallest building, the 2,722-foot Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Check out his performance in the video below:



Life has many challenges, one should never give up, because life is precious. Nothing is impossible my friends, never afraid of failures. Failure is another step towards success and Success without a failure is like a fruit without juice. Put your energy in the right direction and than no one can stop you in achieving success.  

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Cover Image Ref:

Jalaj Gupte: