Cooking is an art. Yes, it may sound funny. But no! Making delicious dishes as well as saving time with kitchen hacks is an expert thing. But, wait we bring you few unexpected facts that make your cooking easy. And it will definitely save your time hereafter.
1. Got Burns While Cooking? Then Repeatedly Applying Onion Juice Can Heal Burns.

2. You Can Grow Plants Such As Tomatoes Faster With Coffee Grounds. And Now, Tomatoes Price Is At Sky. You Can Definitely Give A Try.

3. Honey Became Hardened? Just Heat It And Melt It. And Avoid Keeping It In Fridge And Keep It Away From Moisture.

4. You Can Make Potatoes Crispy By Pouring One Tablespoon Of Flour While Cooking It.

5. Never Separate Bananas Bunch. Always Keep Bananas Together. If You Separate Them They Will Get Brown Faster.

6. For A Perfect Grinding Of Herbs And Spices, Use Coffee Grinder

7. To Make Your Food Tasty, Use Lemon Juice Or Vinegar

8. Don’t Like Spicy? Then, Squeeze Half Lemon To Your Food Dish.

9. Add Butter And Oil Equally While You Cook. Butter Adds Taste And Oil Will Prevent Butter From Burning.

10. With Spoon, You Can Peel A Ginger Faster.

11. Use Rubber Band To Loosen A Tight Jar Lid.

12. Save Wine In A Ice Cube Tray And Use It Later While You Cook As It Is A Great Ingredient

13. To Make Grating Cheese Easier Freeze It For 30 Minutes.

14. Turn Over A Coffee Mug To Sharpen Your Knife.

The entire world is also suffering badly from this COVID-19. Many countries are lockdown and billions of people are in their homes. Most of the people are not used to sit at home for so many days and are getting bored and even a few of them getting depressed. But to win the battle against coronavirus home quarantine is very important. Learning is a never-ending process and this quarantine time can be utilized wisely. Instead of getting bored, you all can learn new skills during this quarantine period, this will not only help you to add this to your portfolio but also will help you in earning handsomely. Let us see the various skills you can learn during this quarantine period.
Do you know any other kitchen hacks? Share us in the comments. We absolutely love to hear from you.
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