Every day we listen news of lightning struck and casualties due to it. Not everyone is lucky on this planet but certainly, these 10 people are. Sometimes its hard to believe but these people survived after got struck by light.
1. Adam Campbell

Canadian trail runner Adam Campbell lives an adventurous life. He also participated in one of the hardest trails in the world ‘hard rock’. While he was in the middle of the race, a storm hit the runners soon after the sunset and air exploded with a heavy sound. As Adam and his teammates reached the summit a beam of light cracked. All of them rambled on the ground. Fortunately none of them got any injuries. What surprised everyone that soon after Adam struck by lightning he got up and finished the race securing the third position.
2. Tony Cicoria
Lightning can destroy human body within seconds and many reports state that around 24000 people die due to lightning and electrical storms every year. Lighting can turn out as a blessing too. Tony Cicoria is a classic example of this. Tony Cicoria hit by lightning after leaving for phone booth; a nurse working in local hospital saved his life. He spent few weeks in the hospital. After recovering from ordeal, he showed sudden interest in piano and what is shocking that now he has discovered totally new career and composed a number of works and performed in local theatre displaying his gift from Zeus’s mighty bolt.
3. Unnamed Boy
Lightning struck when a thirteen year boy watching Lowestoft Seafront Air Festival. Local paramedics team immediately shifted him to the hospital. After few minutes boy surprisingly recovered.
4. Harold Deal
In 1969, lightning struck Harold while he was walking to his front door. After several hours of treatment finally he came in his senses, but he was not able to walk through. But after surgery he finally got his walking ability back. Lightning caused alot in his life but it left him with the amazing ability of not feeling cold. Many times he used to share photos running shirtless in blood freezing temperature and bathing with cubes.
5. Jim Caviezel
Jim Caviezel actor played Jesus Christ in the movie The Passion of Christ. Film fall in many controversies before even it got released. While filming the mountain scene, lightning hit the Jim and he said that it crossed right from his head. He was not the only one who suffered God’s anger but the assistant director also hit twice during shooting.
6. Melvin Roberts
Melvin Roberts of South Carolina claims that he has been hit by lightning 11 times in 12 years. Most number of lightning strike record is currently going to While Roy Sullivan. Melvin even showed many proofs to support his claim like broken watches and wounds on his body. He even had brain damage which backs his story, but Guinness book of records said that these proofs are not enough.
7. Steve Marshburn
In 1969, lightning damaged Steve’s spine and brain leading him in the group of lightning struck and electric shock survivors international group. Lightning struck him when he was working in a bank at a tellers window.
8. Winston Kemp
Lightning left a beautiful mark on Winston’s hand though it is beautiful it was painful. One afternoon, lightning struck Winston when he was in his neighborhood backyard. One hour after lightning stricken a clear red branch like mark appeared, in the medical term it is called a Lichtenberg figure.
9. Ian Gordon And Kendra Villanueva
While sheltering under the tree, Ian Gorden and his pregnant wife got hit by lightning. They just rushed towards hospital and doctor performed some C section surgeries of Kendra. Fortunately baby survived but shockingly she born with static hairs which remain stand permanently and Gordon very rightly named her Flash.
10. Roy Sullivan
Sullivan, park ranger from Virginia currently holds the maximum number of facing a lightning strike. He got hit 7 times from 1942 to 1977. Experience made him famous as a name ‘The human Lightning Rod’. People always create a distance when the sky goes grey. Several lightning strikes did not break his heart but love did. He shot himself to died over unrequited love.
Natural disasters destroy several lives every year but in some case, it blessed people with amazing things and superpower; even few of them called as Superhumans.