
Here’s All What You Need To Know About Maharashtra’s Plastic Ban – Must Read

Maharashtra Bans Plasticvia

Plastic pollution has been increasing day by day. Even though people are aware of its effects on the environment, but still they are continuing to use. I always wonder that why the government doesn’t collect the hefty fine from people who use plastic. Seems, my thoughts reached to the universe. Maharashtra government will start penalizing those who use plastic products, including single-use disposable items.



“Errant manufacturers will face strong action, but common people and small traders will not be harassed”, said Environment Minister Ramdas Kadam after a review meeting with the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board officials.

It’s not an unplanned action. The state government had given a period of three months to the distributors, manufacturers, and consumers to dispose of their existing stock and come up with alternatives to plastic usage. It formed a special task force comprising plastic manufacturers’ associations, experts, and government officials to come up with a solution to put an end to plastic use in the state.


Banned Items

The ban covers the whole State of Maharashtra for manufacture, usage, transport, distribution, wholesale and retail sale and storage and import of the products namely plastic bags, disposable thermocol items like plates, glasses, bowls, and containers, non-woven polypropylene bags,  disposable plastic items like spoons, forks, cups, glasses, containers, plastic pouches for storing liquid, plastic packaging for food items, plastic wrap used for packaging or storing products, and plastic and thermocol decorations.


The Fine For Using Plastic


“Fine for 1st offence is Rs 5000, fine for 2nd Offence Rs 10000, fine for subsequent offence is Rs 25000 and 3 months imprisonment. For non-compliance with provisions of Maharashtra Non-biodegradable Garbage Control Act 2006 offence can be registered in COURT,” Deputy Municipal Commissioner Nidhi Choudhari said in a tweet.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.