
Most Incredible Coins Discovered Around The World! #9 Is Unbelievable!

Incredible Coinsvia

Most Incredible coins were discovered around the world which dated back to 400 AD. These coins are said to be very expensive and carry a lot of value. Some unique coins were found that seems unreal and hard to believe that they exist! Find more about these coins in the article below!


1. Wesley Carrington Hoard

Most Incredible Coins wesley carrington hoard coin

In June 2013, a British man named Wesley Carrington made one of the most spectacular discoveries of the century. After buying a metal detector as a hobby, he used it in the woods near St. Albans, Hertfordshire. Initially, he did pretty well, he found a spoon and a halfpenny. And then he discovered a gold coin.


2. Roman Coins In Japan

Most Incredible Coins roman coins in japan

In 2013, a discovery was made that still baffles archaeologists. Katsuren Castle in Okinawa Island, Japan, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and was built around the 12th century. During a dig, archaeologists discovered four copper coins that, at first, they took for a hoax. One of the coins bears the image of the Roman Emperor Constantine I and has since been dated to 300 to 400 AD.


3. The Seaton Down Hoard

The Seaton Down Hoard

In 2014, an amateur metal detectorist unearthed one of the largest hoards of Roman coins ever found in Britain. Laurence Egerton discovered 22,000 copper-alloy coins in Seaton, East Devon, near a field where a Roman villa had been excavated. Egerton took up metal detecting seven years prior to his find and the best he ever found were some old shotgun cartridges.


4. Swiss Cherry Orchard

Swiss Cherry Orchard Find

In 2015, a stash of more than 4,000 bronze and silver coins is believed to have been buried some 1,700 years ago in what is today a cherry orchard in Aargau, Switzerland. Weighing around 15kg (33lb), the local farmer discovered the coins after spotting something shiny in a molehill.


5. Rare Gold Coin In Galilee

Rare Gold Coin In Galilee

Kibbutz Kfar Blum resident Laurie Rimon discovered a rare gold coin bearing the image of Emperor Augustus in the eastern Galilee. The coin was handed over by Rimon to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The coin is  referred to as an “identical twin brother” to the only other coin of its kind discovered that was minted by Emperor Trajan and that bears the image of Emperor Augustus. The “twin brother” is currently being preserved at the British Museum in London.

Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.