90’s Kid Will Remember These Food Items – Check Out These Nostalgia Snacks

Nostalgia Childhood SnacksNostalgia Childhood Snacks


The 90s was undoubtedly a fun time to be a kid. Not only did we get the best of TV shows, but we also got the best snacks and candy as well. Sure, the food items and snacks these days seem innovative and new but if you are a 90s kid you will remember these iconic nostalgia ones for sure:


1. Diptrix

Nostalgia Childhood SnacksNostalgia Childhood Snacks

Nothing can change the immense satisfaction of pleading your parents for a Diptrix and enjoying the biscuit dipped in cream goodness! They had a fun website to play games and collectibles as well.


2. Icy Pepsi Sticks


What’s better than Pepsi? Pepsi that is iced! And sure enough, getting your hands on these could make your entire summer day!


3. Bytes


Perhaps every 90s and early 2000’s babies’ favorite snack. Surely the discontinuation of this one of a kind treat left us all sad.


4. Cheetos Whoosh


Cheetos was a big thing back in the day and so were the collectibles that came with it!

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Vijay Alagar: Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.