
Obtaining A Romanian Passport: Reviews Of Union Permits

Romanian Passport

Obtaining a Romanian passport is an essential step for individuals wishing to enjoy the benefits of European citizenship. As mentioned in many reviews, immigration to the EU allows the expansion of business and living opportunities, provides access to new markets, and builds a secure future. However, for those seeking a Romanian passport, the relocation process can seem complex.

Union Permits is an immigration company established to help people move to the EU. According to its official website, providing legal assistance in the registration of Romanian passport through repatriation is its main specialization. We will compare popular immigration programs in that state, as well as look at reviews about Union Permits to discover what assistance it offers in obtaining European citizenship.

How To Get Romania Passport


Programs To Obtain A Romanian Passport

Romania has one of the most open immigration policies in Europe. According to reviews, this is advantageous for people who want to obtain EU citizenship quickly. There are 3 most popular immigration programs in that state:

  • Naturalization;
  • Investment;
  • Repatriation.

Naturalization is the most common form of immigration to Romania. It requires a continuous residence in the country for 8 years on average. Applicants must demonstrate their knowledge of the language and culture and have a clean criminal record. According to reviews, this method of resettlement is not suitable for those seeking faster ways to immigrate to the EU.

Investment method is an accelerated path to citizenship, shorter than ordinary naturalization. Depending on the amount of capital involved, a Romanian passport can be acquired in 5 years on average. Union Permits lawyers, according to reviews, provide all the necessary information about immigration through this program.

Repatriation means obtaining Romanian citizenship, which applies to those who have territorial affiliation with this state. Immigration under this program has no language or other additional requirements. According to Union Permits reviews, with a lawyer’s help, a Romanian passport can be acquired in 8 months. This makes this program one of the most effective ways to emigrate to this state.


Reviews About Union Permits

Investigating Union Permits reviews can help you learn more about the repatriation program in Romania and the lawyers’ assistance. Below is a selection of those that will assist us in this regard.

“Gaining a Romanian passport made it easy to register my IT company in the EU market. Through repatriation, immigration took only 7 months, which is a credit to the lawyers at Union Permits. They handled all the paperwork and I never travelled to Bucharest before taking the oath. They did their job quickly and professionally as it was emphasized in many reviews.” Ismail Abdul Rahman (34 y.o. UAE).

“I chose Union Permits because there were many positive reviews about it. I had been rejected before due to poor translation of documents into Romanian. Decided to entrust this matter to Union Permits professionals. They helped me to prepare the documents, including proof of my territorial affiliation to Romania, and submitted them for me. Union Permits experts are now overseeing my case at the Ministry of Justice.” Nuset Shqiptare (27 y.o. Saudi Arabia).

“I wished to emigrate to Europe so that my family could have a better life than in Casablanca. We wanted to move to Italy and asked Union Permits for a consultation as they had good reviews on the internet. They analyzed our cases and recommended repatriation to Romania to become Europeans and live anywhere in EU. They predicted that my children and I would become European citizens in 8 months, and they helped us on time!” Murat Yildirim (29 y.o. Morocco).

According to reviews about Union Permits, the main advantage of repatriation to Romania is the speed of obtaining citizenship. With the lawyers’ support, it takes an average of 8 months to register a passport. Taking into account the support provided by Union Permits, all clients in the aforementioned reviews assessed it as commendable.


When researching immigration programs in Romania, the advantage of repatriation becomes obvious. This point is confirmed by the reviews about Union Permits, an immigration company that has helped numerous clients to obtain European citizenship. Their assistance is much appreciated, as the legal aspects of the relocation seem daunting to most people. For those who need reassurance when acquiring a Romanian passport, the reviews and website of Union Permits are recommended for investigation.

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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator