
Hidden Facts You Should Know About Pakistan Occupied Kashmir

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir POKvia

5. Pakistan Gifted A Part Of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir To China In 1963


Even though India was claiming the region belongs to them, but Pakistan during Sino-Pakistan agreement in 1963, ceded over several parts of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir’s like Hunza-Gilgit, the Shaksgam Valley, a region of Raksam and Baltistan to China by Pakistan.

Technically, the Pakistanis gifted China the territory. This area is called a ceded area or Trans-Karakoram Tract.


6. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru Was Stopped At The Kohala Bridge In 1946 And Refused Entry Into The State


Maharaja Hari Singh arrested Nehru and his companions when they entered the state.


7. PoK Covers Area Of 13,297 Square Kilometres


The Capital of PoK is located at Muzaffarabad and Pok has an approximate population of 4.6 million people.


8. Accession Day – 26 October 1947


It is a holiday celebrated in Jammu and Kashmir where Maharaja Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession to India.

On the Indian side of the state, the festival is celebrated by holding rallies, bursting of firecrackers, singing India’s national anthem, and raising the flag of India.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.