
Have A Look At These Photos Which Proves That Kindness Still Exists – #4 Is Heart Melting

kind people via

The little gestures of kindness, love, and generosity are what keeps everyone together. When our small effort can make someone happy, why not make an effort? If your kindness can really help someone in need, why not be kind? Well, these people have proved that humanity still exists. Have a look at these kind gestures below.


1. Fans Throw Toys

fans throw toys

These fans are throwing toys at the stand where there are little patients from a local hospital.  So cute.


2. A Generous Bookstore

book store

This is a very generous bookstore that gives books to the readers without money.


3. Man Teaches MS-Word On Blackboard

MS word

That man deserves an award for teaching Word to kids without having a computer. Yes, he teaches MS Word on the blackboard.


4. Lady Helped Old Man To Walk

lady helping man

Asian woman stopped taking orders to help an elderly man navigate the rainy walk to his seat. She was incredibly patient with him during his slow order and even brought his food outside for him. Faith in humanity restored.


5. Serving Cat In His Palms


Saw this man yesterday when I was in Mecca. He was letting a cat drink from his palms when he couldn’t find a cup.