
Have A Look At These Photos Which Proves That Kindness Still Exists – #4 Is Heart Melting

kind people via

6. Man Cooks For Free

man cooks everyday

A chef cooks free food every day for the people who can’t afford to go to his restaurant.


7. Man Provides Water To Thirsty Animals

man provides water

Every day this man drives hours in drought conditions to provide water to thirsty wild animals.


8. He Helped An Injured Sparrow

he saved this sparrow

So I was reading at a coffee shop and saw this guy looking up vet services for an injured sparrow he had just found. Such a wise man.


9. Girl Donated Hair

girl donated hair

This 6-year-old daughter cut off over 13 inches of her hair to donate! She donated her hair to the cancer patients.


10. He Saved 20 Students

he helped save lives kindness

This is Anthony Borges, age 15. He used his body to hold a classroom door shut, protecting 20 other students inside as a gunman fired through the door, hitting him five times.