Life is so unverifiable. We never realize what will happen tomorrow or one hour from now. Everybody is except living helplessly before ‘obscure’ destiny and fate, regular, which we as a whole can do nothing about it but to modestly bow down before it.
The following are some photos that speak the minute amongst life and passing. They were caught just before disaster happened.
1. Twin Tower Before Terror Attack

This was the picture taken just before fierce terrorists attack.
2.The Photo Of People Just Before The Tsunami In 2004
2004 Tsunami took several lives.
3. Last Photo Of The Titanic Before Sinking
Titanic drowned and this was the last photo before it went deep into the sea.
4. Actor Paul Walker’s Last Photo, Moments Before His Crash In November 2013
Walker died in a car accident and this was his last photo. Everyone misses him, He left the world so early.