
How To Prepare For Whale Watching In The Summer

Whale Watching California

Most people associate Southern California with beaches and bike trips, and they plan their vacations accordingly. If you’re going to be in the South Bay area this summer, you should also plan to participate in whale watching in San Diego. Here are a few tips for getting ready for your first whale-watching expedition.


Dress For The Location

Whale watching Southern California is not the same thing as whale watching in Alaska or Oregon. It’s much warmer off the coast of San Diego than in these areas, so you don’t need to wear as many layers. Still, check the weather before you leave so that you’re not surprised by a cool day. Remember, the wind is likely to get stronger as your boat gets farther away from the mainland, so bring a sweatshirt even if it’s a hot day off the water.


Bring The Right Equipment

Binoculars Whale Watching

Even if your cruise includes meals and beverages, you’re going to want a full water bottle. It’s easy to get dehydrated when you’re standing in the sun all day, and if the wind is strong, your sweat might evaporate before you realize that you’re losing water. Keeping a water bottle with you at all times helps you avoid trip-ruining headaches.

Experts also recommend that you bring binoculars to make the most of your trip. While you may be able to see whales and their spouts with your naked eyes, your boat probably won’t get close enough for you to see the details without binoculars. This practice keeps the whales safe, reducing their risk of injury on their long journey. Make sure to practice using your binoculars before your trip so that you don’t waste time learning how to focus.


Prepare Your Camera

Camera Photography

You’re going to want to take pictures during your trip, and it would be sad to learn that your storage is full when your boat leaves the shore. Charge your phone or camera the night before your expedition, and clear out as much of your storage as possible. Experiment with your camera’s settings so that you know exactly how to capture the best images.


Learn About Whale Behavior

California Whales

If you’re looking into private boat tours San Diego, spend some time learning about whale behavior, so you know what you’re looking at. The whales that you’ll see on your trip are gray whales, part of the 20,000 that journey between Alaska and Mexico. You’re likely to see them spout water and come up to the surface as they pass California on their way north.


Talk To Your Trip’s Staff


Both before and during your trip, talk to your trip’s staff and crew to find out what to expect. How much guidance will they give during the expedition about where the whales are? How many whales do they expect you to see? Are you going to stop to watch the whales for a while, or will the boat keep moving the whole time?

Take these steps before your first whale-watching expedition to get the most of your experience with these majestic aquatic mammals.

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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator