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A Pune Couple Gets Two Grandchildren By Surrogacy, They Used The Semen Of Their Dead Son

The Man's Aunt Carried The Embryos In The Womb


In the past few decades, medical science has evolved to the level that now we can have those things which were considered miracles in the past decades. Surrogacy is one of the top achievements in the medical field. It is the artificial or the natural insemination. A Pune man died at the age of 27. His parents wanted to have their grandchildren just like their son so they decided to fuse the cryo-preserved semen of their son with a surrogate mother. They found a surrogate mother who happened to be the man’s aunt. She gave birth to twin baby boys.


The Grandparents Wanted The The Grandchildren


The man was diagnosed with a brain tumor back in 2013 while he was pursuing higher studies in Germany. After some struggle, the man died two years ago from now. The man’s mother said,” He was a bright student and excelled in academics. Even when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and later lost his vision after the chemotherapy, he did not lose spirit. He fought valiantly to the last breath. He always tried to regale us with his stories and humor. That’s why, when we lost him, I wanted to have grandchildren using the cryo-preserved semen.”


They Formed 4 Embryos


After contacting the sperm bank in Germany she gets the semen. Then, she approached Sahyadri Hospital on Pune-Ahmednagar to complete the process. Then they found the egg donor. They fused them and made four embryos and then they needed a host who can carry the embryo in the womb. The mother of the man was ready for that but she was not fit for the purpose. Then her cousin gets to agree to carry the embryos in the womb.


Healthy Twins Born By Surrogacy


Infertility expert Supriya Puranik said, “After validating the woman’s fitness, we transferred two embryos in her womb in May last year. Both embryos were implanted and the conception was confirmed in June. After regular check-ups, the woman delivered full-term healthy twins on Monday.”


What The Surrogacy Law Centre Said?


Hari G Ramasubramanian, the founder of Chennai-based Indian Surrogacy Law Centre, said, “This is not the first time such a case has been reported in India. There have been two or three similar cases in the past, which have led to this debate on whether someone can have children posthumously.”


Ethically Incorrect?


Although it is a great achievement this time it is used in the wrong way. A Pune-based gynecologist Pankaj Sarode of said, “It is a medical feat which can be celebrated. But ethically, I don’t think this is correct. Bringing joy to grandparents is not what medical technology should be exploited.”

What do you say about this? Is it ethically correct? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
A literature student, horror movies lover, laconic speaker, a Muay Thai practitioner, full-time hustler and part-time writer and poet.