Sparrows are closely habitat with humans. The house sparrow is a bird that comes under the sparrow family Passeridae, found in most of the world. The house sparrow is strongly bonded with the human habitat. It builds its nest below the roof, ventilators, and walls of the house. It can adapt itself to the urban or rural environment. The seeds of grains and weeds are the foods of sparrow and insects also its typical food. It was seen in more significant numbers earlier in most cities, towns, and villages associated with human settlers.
But its number is rapidly decreasing recently and even it reached the stage of disappearing. There are many reasons like urbanization, rising of concrete towers and cell phone radiation, absence of native plants and use of insecticides and pesticides in farms, and pollution with harmful gases that might affect a house sparrow population. Here the list of reasons that makes the little sparrow disappearing from the ecology.
Loss Of Trees Or Deforestation

It is a known fact that trees are the primary habitat of birds. Cutting down trees will create a habitat loss for birds then why not a sparrow, it also loses its nest.
Change In Building Construction

Earlier, we can see the buildings with an open window, the gap between the roof and wall, an electric box outside the house, and a place for a lamp in the house, sometimes holes in the wall. These are the places where we can find the nest of birds, especially sparrows. However today constructions are changed with a closed wall with glass windows, no ventilators, and no gap even to enter mosquitoes then how the birds can build a nest. Again it is a loss of habitat.
Absence Of Native Plants And Shrubs

Other familiar places for nesting are native plants and trees such as mehndi, jasmine, neem, and many others, where the sparrow finds the perfect place for nesting. These plants and trees are very close to humans since sparrows are living closely with humans. The shrubs and dense hedges are also the nesting place for the sparrow. It finds these places to defend itself from its predators.
Difficulty In Finding Grains And Seeds

The street grocery stores are replaced with modern air-conditioned closed grocery stores. The sparrows are struggling to find seeds and grains in sacks placed outside the stores.
Radiation From Mobile Towers

The electromagnetic radiations from the mobile towers affect the birds. It becomes the reason for declining its population. The radiations are even affecting the human, then how the little sparrow can sustain. Birds are more sensitive to magnetic radiation.
Increase In The Number Of Other Bigger Birds

An increase in the population of more giant birds like pigeons and crows. It is also one reason for the disappearance of sparrows. It causes a deficiency for food and shelter for sparrows.
Pollution And Use Of Chemicals In Fertilizers

Pollution in cities makes the birds move out of the cities. It is not getting good seeds and grains and struggling for non-polluted water resources.
Using chemicals in fertilizers produces grains and seeds with more chemical content, spoiling sparrows and other birds’ diets.
It is hard to see the disappearance of sparrows. We can save it if we try some alternative. We can place a nest box with some grains to feed. Plant native plants and trees to help the sparrow to built its own nest. Can set up a water bath for birds to drink and bath. Encourage others in saving the sparrow.
To raise awareness and protect the house sparrows and other birds the World Sparrow day is celebrated on March 20 every year from 2010. It was an initiative of the Nature Forever Society of India in collaboration with many national and international organizations worldwide.
It is sad to see that the birds are becoming homeless today because of deforestation, fewer trees, and climatic changes. Sometimes the natural disaster like tsunami and floods would also cause the shift of the habitat of birds. Happily, the terrace of some good-hearted people’s houses has become the habitat of birds like parrots. Read about the Birdman of Chennai Joseph Sekar and the couple Sudarshan and Vidya who feed parrots every day. They not only provide food but also shows more care and love towards parrots.
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